Onderzoek: web-credibility van health sites

Onderzoek: Web-credibility van health sites; do different design and information content factors influence trust and mistrust of online health sites?

Web credibility – onderzoek

Zijn design- en information content factoren van invloed op de geloofwaardigheid van health websites?



Do different design and information content factors influence trust and mistrust of online health sites? Fifteen women faced with a risky health decision were observed while searching the Internet for information and advice over four consecutive weeks. In some sessions their searches were unstructured, whilst in other sessions they were directed to review specific sites, chosen for their trust design elements. Content analysis of concurrent verbalisations and group discussion protocols provided support for a staged model wherein design appeal predicted rejection (mistrust) and credibility of information and personalisation of content predicted selection (trust) of advice sites.

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Sillence, S., Briggs, P., Fishwick, L., & Harris, P. (2004)

Trust and Mistrust of Online Health Sites. In CHI ’04 Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems. New York, NY, 2004

doi: 10.1145/985692.985776


Paper gevonden op 19 februari 2012:

Onderzoek: feedback-design voor energieverbruik

Persuasieve technologie – onderzoek: Energiebesparing is een hot topic; maar het energie-verbruik in huishoudens ontsnapt aan de aandacht van consumenten. Goede feedback over energie-verbruik is cruciaal, maar feedback via smart metering en internet schiet tekort. Poging tot verbetering.

Persuasieve technologie – onderzoek


Energiebesparing is een hot topic; maar het energie-verbruik in huishoudens ontsnapt aan de aandacht van consumenten.

Goede feedback over energie-verbruik is dus cruciaal, maar de feedback via smart metering  en internet schiet tekort: webtools zijn slecht toegankelijk en niet te begrijpen.

De doelstelling van dit onderzoek was daarom een betere interface te ontwerpen, die toegankelijk, recht-toe-recht-aan en begrijpelijk is. Over de effecten van staafdiagrammen en kleurcodes.


In light of global warming, energy conservation is indispensable. Residential electricity use, nevertheless, escapes consumers’ notice. Thus feedback is essential, yet households’ access to information is extemely limited. Smart metering makes continuous feedback over the internet possible, but users perceive existing web tools to be inaccessible and incomprehensible. Hence the aim has been to design a user interface to increase awareness and energy efficiency in households. Ease of access and straightforwardness have been established as key factors and conventional bar charts in combination with color coding have proved useful in this respect.


Onder andere focus groepen

Uit de conclusie

It is absolutely essential that statistics services require a minimum of input from users, and that they use the most elementary and easily accessible interface design possible. Conventional bar charts in combination with color coding systems have proved to be very functional in this respect. […]

A clear finding of this study is users’ perceived need for breakdown feedback, which for the purpose of this study has been defined as information on how electricity is used, broken down by type of domestic appliance. These findings accord with those of several previous studies, which all conclude that electricity consumers have a need for breakdown feedback for guidance in increasing energy efficiency in their home.

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Bartusch, Cajsa, & Porathe, Thomas (2011).

Climate-smart information design: Visualizing residential electricity use over the internet. Information Design Journal, 19(1), 3-17.

doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1075/idj.19.1.02bar




Persuasive design (concept)

Met behulp van mindmapping (iThoughts HD voor iPad) probeer ik de factoren in kaart (maps) te brengen die van invloed zijn op Persuasive Design en Persuasion.

Typische kenmerken van web1.0 en van web2.0 zijn het criterium voor de vaststelling van de relevante factoren.

Web1.0 en web2.0 zijn de termen waarmee twee fasen van het web worden aangeduid.


Persuasion via het web1.0 platform



Persuasion via het web2.0 platform



Persuasion: influencing behavior



web1.0, web2.0 en 'persuasion' geïntegreerd
